
At the A.S. Graphic Studio, we love what we do. We work with UC San Diego students, staff and faculty to build upon their design concepts and bring them to life. From the moment clients call or walk through our sliding glass door, excitement within our team fills the air and the creative juices start flowing. With our sharpened pencils in hand and pad of paper, the collaborative process with our clients begins. A few sketches and clicks of our mice later, we present an original product that exceeds expectations (well, that is our ultimate goal). Then we wait in anticipation for our next design challenge...


To provide innovative graphic design solutions to UC San Diego students, faculty and staff through a collaborative and creative effort. We strive to give clients new inspiration about their project.


collaborate. create. inspire.

col•lab•o•rate (verb)
to work jointly together on design projects. We will listen and develop the vision together.
cre•ate (verb)
to design ads, banners, brochures, flyers, logos, posters, t-shirt designs and more...
in•spire (verb)
to provide motivation to think about a project in new and creative ways.



  • flyers
  • posters
  • banners
  • apparel
  • brochures
  • reports
  • invitations
  • promotional products
  • print ads


  • website art
  • digital ads
  • logo development


  • press releases
  • social media campaigns